Maisie Chin

Advisory Board Member

pronouns: she/her


Maisie Chin is the founding Executive Director and Co-Founder of CADRE (Community Asset Development Re-defining Education), an independent, grassroots parent membership organization in South Los Angeles comprised of Black and Latino parents/caregivers solidifying and advancing their leadership so that all children are rightfully educated regardless of where they live.

A native Californian and first child of Chinese immigrants, Maisie has been a seasoned facilitative leader in the social justice movement for 28 years, dedicated to eliminating structural racism. As the co-designer of an innovative approach to catalyzing marginalized parents’ participation in racial and educational justice, Maisie has supported CADRE parent leaders in breaking new ground by fighting to end the pushout of low-income families of color from public schools and into the school-to-prison pipeline, using human rights-based community organizing and policy advocacy. Maisie has co-led efforts that have successfully changed school discipline policy, significantly reduced student suspensions, decriminalized schools through parent-led policy change and monitoring, and redefined parent participation in educational justice in Los Angeles, California, and nationally. Maisie recently concluded a decade of service as board member and vice-chair of the Schott Foundation for Public Education, and is a graduate of the Pahara-Aspen Fellowship. Maisie holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Master of Arts in Urban Planning from UCLA.